Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Agent Vinod - My review

Every time I watch a formula (read, routine) Hindi movie I think, why cannot they make a movie for sake of movie and not for the audience. Recently, I am surprised and impressed after watching 'Kahani' movie. Now, I am astounded after watching 'Agent Vinod'. Standard of Bollywood movies has improved a lot in all departments.

Coming to plot of the movie, I put it this way... It reminded me of James Bond movies,MI series, Bourne series movies and Sidney Sheldon action novel plot. Hero roams all over the world to save the world from a nuclear bomb. Might sound routine, trust me it takes guts to conceptualize, make and release such movies in Bollywood.

My rating:
Screen play: 4/5
Story telling: 3.5/5
Plot: 3/5
Action (Saif): 4/5

Over all 4/5

I know my friends will hate me for these ratings. Honestly I am impressed and I can tolerate goof ups here and reached my expectation