From past 6 months, may be more, there was a mental picture of a girl whom I know but cant recall how or from where I know her. Short, dark complexion, slightly curly hair, long tooth may be Tamil or Telugu girl. I faintly recall that we were in some kind of school together. Almost, everyday I quiz myself and cross-off all the possible places I would have met her.
I think it would have happened to many of us... Believe me its so frustrating and mentally tiring.
Today while I was taking a bath in the morning, I connected the dots. She was from Alliance Franciase, Hyderabad, where I took french classes for a brief period of time in 1999.
Boy ! imagine the biological part of it... a small electrical signal with my query would have ran pillar to post all through out my brain... short term memory cells, long term memory cells... every day one task... who is she... atlast like a file in a typical government office one memory cell would have pulled it out and said... I thought its useless piece of information... anyways take it and make your boss happy... ;)
I will shorty scan that picture and post it here. << at-last I scanned the picture.. girl i was mentioning is circled.... and I was amazed to see full hair on my head...:P... this picture was taken on 24th April 1999.
Note: For Hyderabad residents this is when Alliance Francaise was beneath Birla science museum. Background of the picture is much changed now.